Catalogue Inquiry


The Catalogue Inquiry function provides an overview of the various transactions conducted on an item.

The ability to drill down in the transaction tabs allows you to view more general or more detailed information.





  maestro* > Purchasing > Analysis et Inquiry > Catalogue > Catalogue Inquiry


Consult an item in the catalogue

  1. Select a Code and press Enter. All the information available on the item is divided into various tabs.
  2. Description tab:
    1. Identification, Accounting and Units sections: This tab displays the general information entered when the item was created in Catalogue Management.
    2. Inventory Status section: meaning of fields in this section.

    All of the quantities and amounts in this table are calculated based on transferred transactions only.





    Total stock order from catalogue transactions.

    Not Invoiced

    Total of merchandise receipt transactions if the fees incurred function is not used. Otherwise, the total amounts are displayed.

    NOTE: Item additions are included in the calculation.

    To Deliver

    Totals of customer order transactions that are still to be delivered. Only the Quantity is displayed.


    Quantity and value of the item in stock in maestro*.


    Total transactions with reservations.

    NOTE: The transaction must have an entry in the Reservation No. field to be included in the calculation.


    Difference between Stock and Reserved.

    Average cost for the current prefix

    Average cost calculated in relation to existing items in the current company only.

    NOTE: Only available in the multidimensional mode

    1. Purchase and Sale section: This tab displays the information entered when the item was created in Catalogue Management or after transactions are processed in maestro*.

    In multidimensional mode, the displayed average cost available in this section is the cost for all companies.

    Refer to the appendix at the end of this document for an explanation on the workings of the average cost.

    1. Pivotal View section: This section is used to create a table for monitoring item quantities.

    You can create a presentation model and make it available to all users.

  1. Identification, Accounting and Units sections: This tab displays the general information entered when the item was created in Catalogue Management.
  2. Inventory Status section:
  1. Other tab: This tab displays general information on the item. This information was entered when the item was created in Catalogue Management.

The Warranty section is used to view information about item warranties when defined as a part on equipment. The Preventive Maintenance module must be installed to make this tab available.

  1. Additional Fields tab: This tab displays additional fields as entered in catalogue management.
  2. Quantities tab: This tab displays a summary of quantities based on the columns of quantities available.
  3. Customer Orders tab: This tab displays the quantities and amounts in transactions transferred from customer orders or not.
  4. Supplier Orders tab: This tab displays the quantities and amounts in transactions (transferred or non-transferred) for stock orders from catalogue only.
  5. History tab: This tab displays all transactions for the selected item. The Inventory Status section calculates the quantities and amounts from transactions in this tab.



Transaction Type

Available values:

: - Rec. Project

Receipt of merchandise on a project.

; - Transfer proj.

Inventory to project transfer transaction.

? - Direct Del.

Time/Material delivery.

= - Sale

Sale and invoice transaction from a customer order.

< - Cust. Ord. Canc.

Cancellation of a balance from a customer order.

> - Sale Cancel.

Cancellation of a customer invoice.

@ - Internal sale

Internal sale.

È – Phys. Inv.

Physical inventory count.

Ç – Fuel

Fuel management.

1 - P.O.

Stock Order from Catalogue.

2 - Reception

Receipt of merchandise.

3 - P.O. Cancel

Cancellation of a balance from a stock order from catalogue.

4 - Adjustment

Inventory adjustment transaction.

5 - To Deliver

Transaction from a customer order.

6 – Delivered

Transaction from a delivery from a customer order.

7 - Proj. Deliv.

Receipt of merchandise delivered to the project.

8 - Suppl. Invoice

Invoicing of a stock order from catalogue.

9 – Invoice Cancel.

Cancellation of an invoicing balance.


Surplus quantity if the quantity received is higher than the quantity ordered or the quantity invoiced is higher than the quantity received.

Surplus Amount

Surplus amount if the receipt of goods amount is higher than the ordered amount or the invoiced amount is higher than the receipt of goods amount.

Original Characteristics

Characteristic entered in the Stock Order from Catalogue.

NOTE: If the characteristic is changed when the merchandise is received, the value remains in the same field, but the word "original" is no longer displayed.

Origi. Location

Location entered in the Stock Order from Catalogue.

NOTE: If the location is changed when the merchandise is received, the value remains in the same field, but the word "original" is no longer displayed.

Origin. Unit

Unit entered in the Stock Order from Catalogue.

NOTE: If the unit is changed when the merchandise is received, the value remains in the same field, but the word "original" is no longer displayed.

Origin. Identification

Identification entered in the Stock Order from Catalogue.

NOTE: If the identification is changed when the merchandise is received, the value remains in the same field, but the word "original" is no longer displayed.

Original Reservation No.

Reservation number entered in the Stock Order from Catalogue.

NOTE: If the reservation number is changed when the merchandise is received, the value remains in the same field, but the word "original" is no longer displayed.

Gross Unit Price

Unit price entered in the order.

NOTE: This field is used to update the inventory values in maestro* and to display the last price, based on the current prefix, in CatalogInquiry.

Discount for Gross Unit Price

Discount on the unit price entered in the order.

NOTE: This field is used to update the inventory values in maestro*and to display the last discount, based on the current prefix, in Catalog Inquiry.

  1. Analyze Active Orders tab: This tab displays current sale and purchase orders.
  2. Reservations tab: This tab displays reservations of material created from requisitions, stock orders from catalogue, inventory to project transfers, etc.
  3. Warranty by Equipment tab: This tab displays the list of equipment for which the current item is part of the components list.
  4. Requisitions tab: This tab displays all current or completed requisitions for the item.
  5. Bill of Materials tab: This tab displays the bills of materials in which the item is used.
  6. Serial Number tab: This tab displays the list of existing serial numbers for this item, as well as transactions linked to each serial number.


See also



Calculation of the Average Cost Formula

The formula works differently depending on whether the accrued charges have been activated or not.

Activated Accrued Charges

Non-Invoiced Quantity: Not modified

Non-Invoiced Amount: Increased upon reception

Decreased upon invoicing

Stock Quantity: Increased upon reception

Stock Amount: Increased upon invoicing


Average Cost = (In-Stock Value + Non-Invoiced Received Amount) / In-Stock Quantity

Non-Activated Accrued Charges

Non-Invoiced Quantity: Increased upon reception

Decreased upon invoicing

Non-Invoiced Amount: Not modified

Stock Quantity: Increased upon reception

Stock Amount: Increased upon invoicing


Average Cost = In-Stock Value / (In-Stock Quantity – Non-Invoiced Received Quantity)


Last modification: February 18, 2025